Shock and denial: Shock is often the first reaction once the diagnosis of cancer is confirmed. Denial is when you try to cope with the news of your cancer diagnosis by pretending it’s not happening. This can happen when you feel overwhelmed and unable to accept the diagnosis. If denial continues, it can stop you from considering healthy coping strategies and being active in making informed decisions. Staying in denial might also affect your general health and wellbeing. 1,2
Sadness, fear, anxiety and panic: Sadness: There are feelings of sadness, fear, anxiety and panic which can be difficult feelings to experience. Anxiety can affect your day-to-day life in various ways. It can affect your mood, concentration, ability to relax and to get a restful night’s sleep. There are several ways to cope with these feelings and people who can help. 1,2
Guilt, blame and anger: You might blame yourself, or other people, for your illness. Understanding more about your cancer may help you feel differently. 1,2
Helplessness and loss of control: Feelings of loss of control and helplessness are common after NHL diagnosis. Some people describe feeling passive in their lives and a sense of things ‘happening to them’. It is important to regain a sense of control to understand why the tests and scans are being done and why a particular treatment is recommended. 1,2
Withdrawal and isolation: You may not like being to be around others and feel that no one really understands what you’re going through. Some people pretend to feel OK even when they don’t really feel this way. You might also worry about how people will respond if you tell them how you really feel. Although it is natural to want sometime alone. withdrawing from others all or most of the time could be a sign of depression, where you feel very low emotionally. It is different from feeling sad. There are many other possible symptoms of depression, which can be physical and psychological. 1,2
Each person’s experience with cancer is different, and the way an individual copes with the physical and emotional impacts of NHL is unique to each patient’s personality and situation. Below are some strategies to cope with common issues that patients may face. 1-3